We flew through the Gorge, the drainage from Lake George between the Knik Glacier and Mount Palmer
Inner Lake Geroge and the Colony Glacier with Mount Muir towering in the background
The terminus of the Colony Glacier as it calves off into Inner Lake George
Ponds on the surface of the Colony Glacier
Mount Muir, named for the great American adventurer John Muir who helped explore the area in the late 1800s
An icefall forming a northern branch of the Colony Glacier around Mount Gilbet
The Cascade, Barry, and Coxe Glaciers in the Barry Arm of the harriman Fjord
Another view of the confluence of the Barry and Cascade Glaciers
Mount Gilbert
The Barry and Coxe Glaciers looking northeast towards Mount Goode
Mount Gilbert
The Harriman Glacier
The Surprise Glacier
The lower Twentymile Glacier and its outwash lake
The lake at the end of the Twentymile Glacier and the tip of Carmen Lake
The floor of Twentymile Valley
Twentymile Valley
Looking up the Placer River Valley towards the Spencer Glacier
The Burns Glacier and Portage Lake
Upper Winner Creek Valley and Kelley's Knob
The Crow Pass hut