Peril Peak, 7040'

First Ascent-May 23, 1964, Hans Van der Laan, Helga Bading, Jim Fraser, Gregg Erikson

N Face

E Face

N Face

N Face "Marilyn's Twin Tits"

Named by MCA members before it was climbed, this peak used to be known by locals as "Maralyn's Twin Tits,"
"The Twins," and "Jane Russell Peak" because of the appearance of two "perky" summits from the north.
Apparatly "the danger and difficulty involved in climbing it" earned it its title, which was made official in 1963.
I can only guess there was some sort of failed attempt before the May 1964 succesful summit bid
which justified the name. If I find evidence of it in Scree, I'll let you know.