Sometime during the winter of 2001 I believe, on a hike up Blacktail Rocks. Matt got caught in a miniature avalanche on that hike. It wasn't serious, but it was enough to spook him.
Matt stemming an exspanse between two gendarmes on the rocky southern aspect of Blacktail Rocks.
Matt and Ben in the Lane Glacier area during the summer of 2003, submitted by Jeff Claeson
Basking in the sun on Eagle View, sometime during the winter of 2001
Dry-tooling up the cruddy rock on Eagle View, winter 2001
Bouldering on top of Eagle View, winter 2001
Matt, Isaac, and Tristan scoping possible routes up the cliffs on Eagle View, winter 2001
Matt teaching ascention techniques under a bridge sometime during the spring of 2001
Setting it all up, well-done as usual.
Still under the bridge
Matt jumping over a creek in the Reed Valley area
Matt on rappel above the Snowbird Glacier
Matt and Ben on the Snowbird Wall