The view up Powerline Valley with the Wedge and Ptarmigan Peak dominating.
On the Football Field
The gulley of our choice
Looking down from the gulley on the Football Field
Stopped for a pause at the top of the gulley
The Wedge, Ptarmigan, the Suicides
The summit ridge
An imressive view of Mount Williwaw. Also included in this shot are Mount Rumble, Blacktail Rocks, Vista Peak, part of Concerto Peak, and others.
Hidden Peak from the summit of O'Malley
Summit pose
An impressive jumble of peaks all lined up in a row. I believe this is Concerto, Ewe, Flute, and Organ all lined up single-file. If so, wow! What an incredible view!! If not, I am not sure what peak this is, but its pretty dang gnarly-looking.
A summit panorama