Hiking in The Chugach Mountains

This site is dedicated to my friend Matt Chriswell, without whose instruction and example, I would
never have started climbing in the first place. May we meet again someday. I will always think fondly
of you Matt. I miss you very much.
In remebrance of my friend, Matt Chriswell
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado 6/2000
Blacktail Ptarmigan Rocks 2/2001
Mount Cumulus 9/2001
Eagle Glacier 2/2002
Exit Glacier 7/2003
Crow Pass to Eagle River 8/2003
Rendezvous Peak 1/10/2004
Portage Glacier 1/16/2004
O'Malley Peak 2/25/2004
Hurdygurdy Mountain Attempt 2/28/2004
Eklutna Lakeside Trail 5/5/2004 & 5/7/20004
Chugach Flightseeing Tour 5/10/2004
Harp Mountain 5/29/2004
Ram Valley 6/22/2004
Matanuska Glacier 6/25/2004
Icicle Canyon 7/17/2004
The Ramp 7/23/2004
North Suicide Peak 7/29/2004
Eagle Peak 8/5-6/2004
Seward Fishing 8/16/2004
Sheldon Ampitheater Flightseeing Tour 9/25/2004
Explorer Glacier 10/16/2004
Byron Glacier Tunnels 10/17/2004
Little O'Malley, Ballfield Hike 11/08/2004
Homicide Peak Attempt 2/5/2005
Portage Glacier 2/12/2005
Serenity Falls Hut 4/26 & 27/2005
Chugach Flightseeing Tour II 5/7/2005
Temptation Peak Attempt 5/29/2005
Williwaw Lakes-Ballfield Loop 6/2/2005
Echo Bend 6/14/2005
Byron Glacier 6/18/2005
Southcentral AK Alpine Picture Database
Alaskan Lakes Database
Some links I use a lot
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